VDT Film Screenings- available to book now
About the offer
Vincent Dance Theatre (VDT) produces powerful socially engaged dance theatre work on stage, on film and online, accompanied by extensive programmes of participation activities.
We apply our productions in a variety of contexts and settings to raise debate and foster understanding of the issues explored in the work, and seek to engage new audiences through the wider distribution of our films and participation programme.
VDT has three dance theatre films: In Loco Parentis, Art of Attachment and Hold Tight available for arts venues, universities and/or cinemas to book as in person or online screenings throughout 2023/24. The films are high quality on stage captures of the live productions and can be screened in isolation or as a facilitated event accompanied by participatory workshops to open up discussions about the themes in the work.
In Person Screenings
VDT’s work on film can be screened in person as part of a venue season, festival programme or as part of a related university course.
VDT can offer stand alone in person screenings or accompany the screening with engagement activities and/or a Q&A to raise debate and foster understanding of the issues explored in the work. Engagement activities can be bespoke to each venue/group the company works with.
Past & Upcoming In Person Screenings
In May 2023, VDT worked in partnership with the University of Brighton to deliver a screening of Art of Attachment accompanied by creative engagement sessions. This half day event was delivered to graduate social workers, exploring the value of creativity for themselves and their clients reflecting particularly on emotional labour.
The fee to licence each individual work for an in person screening is £1000 + VAT. Facilitated workshops with engagement activities and/or an in person Q&A can be offered for an additional £500 + VAT.
Fees can be negotiated on a case by case basis.
If you are an arts venue, HE institution or cinema and would like to book an online screening, please email VDT’s General Manager, Holly Morris: holly@vincentdt.com or call 01273 911616.
Online Screenings
VDT’s work on film can be screened online as part of a venue season, festival or university programme. VDT can licence the work for a set date or over a period of weeks/a month. VDT can also offer an online seminar or Q&A with AD/CEO Charlotte Vincent for an additional fee.
Past & Upcoming Online Screenings
VDT piloted the online screening of In Loco Parentis in 2020/21 to great success at the following venues: Pavilion Dance South West, MÓTUS, Arts Depot, Stamford Arts Centre, Falmouth University, South East Dance, Bath Spa University and Plymouth University.
‘I hadn’t expected to be as emotional as I was. Absolutely enthralling dance and theatre. Profoundly moving…’ Online Audience Member
‘I Wish social workers nationwide had to watch and reflect on this before they engage with children in care. Life stories are such a powerful simple tool should be mandatory for all vulnerable children…never-ending roundabout of changing workers is so damaging and so easy dismissed.’ Online Audience Member
‘I watched last night. Amazing piece of work. Harrowing’ Online Audience Member
In July 2023, VDT is working in partnership with Norwich Theatre Digital Stage, In Loco Parentis is now available to book and will be available on demand from 1 – 31 July 2023.
The fee to licence each individual work for an online screening is £800 + VAT. An online Q&A and/or seminar with AD/CEO Charlotte Vincent can be offered for an additional £200 + VAT.
Fees can be negotiated on a case by case basis.
If you are an arts venue, HE institution or cinema and would like to book an online screening, please email VDT’s General Manager, Holly Morris: holly@vincentdt.com or call 01273 911616.
For more information about the works, or to find out more please email VDT’s General Manager, Holly Morris: holly@vincentdt.com or call 01273 911616.
We look forward to hearing from you!