Activity: Home Truths Heart


Home Truths Heart

HOME TRUTHS is Vincent Dance Theatre’s most recent multi-screen film installation and community listening project.

Drawing from VDT’s productions IN LOCO PARENTIS (2020) and ART OF ATTACHMENT (2018), HOME TRUTHS is the result of Vincent’s collaboration with care-experienced young people and the adults in their lives, and with women in recovery from substance misuse and domestic violence. HOME TRUTHS explores notions of home, family and belonging and considers the impact of trauma on women’s and young people’s lives.

We invite you to get involved and join us in exploring these notions through participating in these craft-based activities.


What you’ll need: a square piece of paper & pen or markers/colours.


1. follow the instructions above.


As you make your paper heart consider: What home, family and belonging means to you?


2. On the INSIDE of the heart write about or draw something that lies at the heart of your family, your home or brings a sense of connection and belonging.


Your heart will form part of a growing collection of paper objects containing thoughts about attachment, home, family & belonging


If you would like to share what you have made/written please take a picture using your phone and post it using the #VDTHold tight using Instagram: @VincentDanceTheatreuk or Twitter: @VincentDT


If you would like to share what you have made/written with the VDT team please email it to


We invite you to have a look at the collection so far:  Listening Project – Paper Outcomes 2021


Paper Hearts